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The Management Plan for Water Quality Control of the National Reservoir in 2021

To enhance the reservoir watershed soil conservation and improve its water quality, the Executive Yuan approved “Forward-looking infrastructure development program: The enhancement of reservoir watershed conservation plan”. This plan proposes forward-looking water quality improvement measures for the management of national reservoirs. The purpose of this project include: 1. Formulate the water quality management strategy of national reservoirs, 2. Formulate the water quality management indicators and mechanisms for outlying islands reservoirs, 3. Research and analyze the impact of bird droppings on the water quality of the reservoirs. 4. Support reservoir water pollution reduction technology. 5. Other administrative assistance matters. Pollution survey results in the watershed area of the reservoir show that the main source of total phosphorus pollution in Baoshan Reservoir is the inflow pollution source from Duanchang Bridge to Zhudongzhen in the upstream, while the Nanhua Reservoir is the watershed area orchard and agricultural activities, and the reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus sources should be strengthened. Analyze the historical stratified water quality data of the Environmental Protection Agency and supplement the stratified sampling of reservoirs, put forward recommendations for the improvement of the water quality monitoring plan for the water environment. Reservoir water quality management strategies are based on the water quality status and water supply of the reservoir as determining factors. It is recommended that the Shimen, Liyutan, Zengwen, Wushantou, and Nanhua reservoirs should be prioritized for implementing water quality improvement. Analysis of the suitability of outlying island reservoir water quality indicators and reservoir water quality management regulations, etc., the result is that outlying island reservoir water quality management should focus on drinking water quality and safety. The study area for the impact of bird feces on the water quality of the reservoir was selected as the Taihu Reservoir and Yangming Lake Reservoir in Kinmen, the analysis results could not determine the positive correlation. This project completes the MSL system field test and proposes the MSL system construction specification for the design and construction unit's reference.
Reservoir water quality management, water quality indicators, MSL Construction Specification